Sunday, June 1, 2008

last night

Last night I attended my 2ND big 21st of the year, it was great. Got me thinking about my own 21st. and what I should do for mine. I still have no idea. I love 21St's. Its great to meet the family and show the love and make that one person feel extremely special. Anyway, just a short post to show a pic. The 3 blondes. Myself, Julia the birthday girl and Sharna who has become one of my closest friends.

1 comment:

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I may be biased but I think the one on my left has the most gorgeous smile... really Vic you are so photogenic, I envy that....

Baby as you get older you will realise that the women in your life, you mum, g/f's are the glue that holds you together...glad your out having fun...