Saturday, June 28, 2008

do people even know this is happening?

Live Export - Indefensible


Robert said...

There are a lot of conflicting emotions on this issue, some of them I am aware of, others that Im not aware of the details.
From what I have heard, the need for doing live export stems from 2 main reasons -1 the restrictions placed on the methods of slaughter - abbatoirs used to employ slaughtermen who did this in a way that was acceptable to the religions of the middle east &2 the restricted amounts of freezer space that was available in some of those countries.
In saying this, dont take it as a measure of support by me for this trade, just some background info that I am aware of

victoria said...

No no I don't take it as support at all. I appreicate the background info i have been doing a lot of research on this and still can't understand exactly why this happens this way? trying to respect religion and beliefs but still...

Anonymous said...

Yes Vic I think most Australians are aware, but the welfare of sheep is way down on their list of priorities...

One doesnt need to stop the export, however one needs to ensure that the welfare of each animal prior to slaughter is given priority over everything..however with politics and money concerned I cant see it happening

victoria said...

arghhhhhhhhhh that makes me so angry!!!!!! damn money hungry humans !

Robert said...

It happens this way basically due to the restrictions in accepting carcasses slaughtered in Australia, for whatever reason.

If there was no export, we would have way too many sheep, and this would drive the price of lamb down (and as a spinoff, the price of beef, chicken,pork etc). That alone would completely devastate the rural sector which is still dealing with the affects of drought in many areas, and this would then flow on to affect the whole Aust economy.

(Just as an aside, I thought that the shipping conditions were monitored by the RSPCA and DPI)