Thursday, July 24, 2008

Im back!!

I'm back on the web and trying to get on track of things. I have been reading up on my fave blogs but it takes some time to catch up.

A question that has been burning on my mind as I'm working a higher paying job that I really don't like and makes no difference. I long to be working with animals, and an opportunity has come up that may work for me. So I ask, In this day and age, what do you do? Work in a low paying job that your passionate about or a higher paying job you couldn't care about. I guess its an obvious answer, but I find myself always strapped for cash and having to borrow money.

Money, gosh I dislike it. It restricts me from everything. Well, its obvious what my passion is and I guess in the end you can't get anywhere without happiness.


Robert said...

Unfortunately "Money is the root of all evil" and you need it in todays throwaway society. I would suggest that, at your age, that you should take the higher paying work to get hose things that you want (material), but keep an eye on the possibilities of returning to the work that you love in the future.

Indigo-Daisy said...

If every day you follow your passion, you will never have to work again.

Anonymous said...

Personally Vic, whether you have high paying job or low one, you'll be strapped for cash. As my pay went up so did my debts.

Personally I would take the lower paying one and cut back where you can. It is better for your soul to do what you love. Not many have the oportunity to do that. You can then study to get where you want to be work wise.

I get paid crap, absoulute rubbish for what I do (I think Bear got more per hour at woolworths), but there is always the hope that in someway I help a kid not go the road I did so there is satisfaction in that.I guess with the animals its the same, the fulfillment is in making a difference.

Im always broke but seriously when you sort your wants from your needs you can get by with very little.

Let us know what you decide....x