Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I remember when I was quite young (I could not give an age), my aunty gave me this small statue of an angel blowing a kiss. The angel sat on the edge of my desk which was next to my bed and guided me through the night. It was such a great comfort to me when I was young as I was very scared of the dark and nightmares. This angel is still in my bedroom at my mum's place.

I am not a very religious person but to me praying for someone also is a message that I am sending this person my love and well wishes. I want to pray for my Aunty. She is an inspiration to me.

My Aunty, who is also my godmother, has just received some more news of cancer. She has been fighting cancer for going on 10 years now, from breast to spine to bone. Words cannot describe this woman, she is such a strong woman who has such a fighting spirit, with the cancer AND battling M.S. I just want to say how much I love and respect her and have loved her from when I was a baby. I pray for her that she finds the strength to keep battling on and I am sending all the love and positive energy I have to her in my prayer. My thoughts also go out to my mother, my other aunt and my cousins and all my friends and family who are supporting her through this time and praying for them to also stay strong.

I know you will all join me in thinking of her for a moment. Thank you


pita-woman said...

Sending well wishes her way from across the oceans!

Anonymous said...

Thankyou my dear sweet daughter, how proud I am of you. I know that these words will comfort her greatly as they do me...I love you with all my heart.

Anonymous said...

Awe Chick, I have a book on energy of prayer, I was given it when Antonio died... it says that when people pray, or send healing wishes, whatever one wants to call it...that the angels see the light going to that person, and come down to assist...may be just a wacky fairy tale... but it held me true... I will send what prayers and energy i can ...

My Aunt is also my god-mother and as i didnt have my own mother for much of my childhood she stepped in... tis funny how the ties of love and family can support you... I echo your own mothers words Vic, how blessed your Aunty is to have a wee chick called Vic in her corner...x

victoria said...

Thank you all of you for your lovely words of support. Thank u so much Abbey that is what I believe about praying too and I will keep praying and sending energy. x

Indigo-Daisy said...

loving thoughts are on the way. I too beleive the power of loving thoughts, energy and prayer.