Monday, June 2, 2008


Most people fear them. I know for the majority of my life I have feared them. Growing up by the beach my whole life, I was always in the ocean, but thanks to the media, I always had a fear of going too far out in case of being killed by a shark. I have even had many nightmares about sharks.

"Selachophobia - the scientific name for an abnormal and persistent fear of sharks - is a serious problem for many would-be swimmers. Sufferers are usually completely unable to swim in the sea, even when reassured that shark nets and other safety procedures are in force."

Some people could argue that movies such as "Jaws" are largely responsible for creating this fear. Shark attacks are actually extremely rare however the media generates such panic within the public that it can seem like a current occurrence.

Sharks are amazing creatures, many people don't know how endangered they are. As many as 100 million sharks are killed each year from fining alone!

I urge everyone to see the movie Sharkwater. Check out the trailer and the website and see what is really being done to these truly amazing creatures. No animal deserves to be treated this way, and sharks are an important part of the food chain. This movie is said to have changed a lot of people's minds on sharks, so please at least check out the website. see the trailer.


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

You know according to 'Sharkwater' we have killed 90% of shark species... mind blowing stuff, they arent cute like dolphins and seals so no one was actively trying to save them...

Last night I read a peice in the local paper that people are going down to the marina here and hassling the boats as they come in...this is directly from heightened awareness from the movie....ecological sharks are incredibly important to the balance in the ocean, which is where the greater part of our oxygen is from...

Go see the movie, because you wont think the same about sharks again...great post Vic

Unknown said...

I started a crusade at my school when I was 9 to 'save the sharks' based on the premise that they are wild animals doing what comes naturally when we invade their world. I think it was another 'form a queue of one' moment but I haven't given it up :-)

victoria said...

Definatly seeing the movie a.s.a.p but been doing a lot of research online. It's so good that this movie is having a good response Abbey.
MG that was so sweet when you were 9 you cared like that, good on you, most children are scared of Sharks, even though a lot of children (like me) want to be marine biologists haha. Glad to hear you haven't given up