Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nostalgic Saturday

This is my grandmother and grandfather sitting behind her at a dress up party. Love the guy dressed up as a woman haha. Looks like a fun party. My grandmother looks so beautiful. My mum sent me this photo, I'll have to ask her more if she knows more background info on this photo. Visit Abbey's page to see the links for our Nostalgic Saturday stories


Unknown said...

I love the way photos can catch the energy of the moment. The party looks like a blast (going for the vernacular of the time) and your grandmother is just so very happy.

Anonymous said...

Love the photo chicka ... what is it with men dressing as this reminds me of photos of my Aunt who loved a party...I wonder what your grandkids will say when they look back at photos of you and seffo? Its hard to realise that our parents and grandparents were youth like us once... great pic love

pita-woman said...

Oh, that is too funny (the man I mean). Indeed, it's odd that nobody bats an eye to a woman dressed as a man, but a man as a woman... tends to raise some eyebrows or at least get a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

I think it was new years eve about 1951 and the party was in the officers mess Singapore. Mum was dressed as a can can dancer her best friend Jean as a harem girl.Not quite sure what dad was..I think he was a French man and his friend, Jeans husband was probably Carmen Miranda but we cant see if he had the fruit on his head.Looks like they were really having a great time. love mum x