Tuesday, August 5, 2008

stress relief

I will have to double up my nostalgic Saturday posts this week. I have been flat out at work the past few days.

Feeling very stressed lately, decisions I have to make about what job to stick with. What if I make the wrong one? hmmmm. I need to find some time to read over Indigo's wellness Wednesday post on meditation.

I wish I could take myself back home, drive to the beach and listen to the waves. I miss that so much it aches. I can shut my eyes now and block out the noise from the roadworks making a new tunnel in the city.

I miss having the freedom of having my car, just so I could drive and get out into nature. I want to be in with the trees breathing the sweet fresh air.

Sigh. I might actually go to bed now just so I can dream of this...


Anonymous said...

I forget how lucky I am here, just even vegging at home I have the bush around me..Can you get to a park or gardens near you... would be so much negative energy in the city...especially for a lover of nature like you...

I like to make home as relaxing as I can, burning oils, incense, candles.. relaxation music (it'll drive Bear nuts) but its important to have your home as a place of retreat i think. I'll burn this yoga disc I have for you, tis brilliant..my Loni is a mediation teacher so I will see what he reccomends for beginners like you and I...

Baby, I often think, even if you make the wrong decision (& there will be many in your life) at least the decision is made and your committed..half the stress is the 'what if's' and we all have them...worse case senario is that you learn from your mistakes...but stick with the positives and the best case senarios, have faith in your decisions...God listen to me..old wise woman!

Have you talked to your mum, as I know she is a great inspiration for you..

Hey just thought of something...get the train up to Glasshouse (Josie & I used to live there) and climb the mountain thats in the town... Im sure you can get there without a car, from memory it wasnt far from Josefs primary school... You feel on top of the world and able to do anything...just an idea

victoria said...

oh thanks for your comment abbey, you really helped a lot.

I often like to go to the lookout in a park in newfarm that looks over the river and the bridge and city. Its nice looking at the city from afar.

Im going to try get down to the park this weekend and do some reading.

Thanks so much for your advice. I would love to start yoga! I guess I can only learn from my mistakes and you are right.

Mum went to the glasshouse mountains once as she lives close so I might try go there together one weekend. Thanks so much for your suggestions xo

Indigo-Daisy said...

Beautiful pictures to match the mood.

Listen closely to your heart and follow where it leads...you have in you all the answers you need.