Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Australian Pork Update!

This morning Coles announced that their own-brand pork will be 'sow stall free' by the end of 2014. This is the most significant victory yet in the campaign for pigs and will force the rest of the industry to catch up!

I wrote a story previously about the disgusting state of the Australian Pork Industry, also showing videos of the gruesome truth. Pigs are among the most intelligent species on the planet, and yet have been subjected to one of the cruellest practices ever inflicted on animals in Australia. 'Sow stalls' are typically used in factory farming operations across the country to confine and isolate mother pigs during pregnancy. The national Code of Practice permits these animals to be confined in tiny crates, unable even to turn around for months on end, denying them exercise and any quality of life. As a result, pigs suffer painful physical ailments and even depression.

Since then, Tasmania's Industries Leader, Bryan Green, announced he will be banning cruel sow stalls, having them all wiped out in the state by 2017. This was a great step for longer will they have to live a life of terrible suffering just to be slaughtered at the end of it.

According to Coles' press release "Our customers are becoming increasingly interested in welfare issues surrounding pig farming, with the use of sow stalls their greatest concern".

This is excellent news for consumers, as it makes buying cruelty free more accessible and a lot more affordable. Having cruelty free options readily available in supermarkets makes it a lot easier for the public to make the compassionate switch. It also puts the pressure on other leading supermarkets to make the same change.

It also makes me feel great to know that people out there are putting the pressure on big companies and voicing their outrage at the cruelty behind a lot of animal products. Its excellent that people are becoming more passionate and caring and want the cruelty free options to be the ONLY option.

I am delighted to share this news on my blog...its only a small step but it's a very positive one. You can help by taking two seconds to click a button and send emails off to Woolworths, IGA, Aldi etc and urge them to make the same change! Help here :

Remember, always buy cruelty free. More updates soon xx

info and photos courtsey of


Anonymous said...

Hey Vici, I saw u live GC now? I am Sep,these days I go regularly surfing GC, lets go! however no worries, no freaky proposals! coz I got my permanent residency of Australia!!! and no need for Gf or something to stay OZ!lol! have fun, I want to go fishing too dont know is it fish cruelty to use hook? please inform me!

victoria said...

hi sep congrats on your residency in aus! thats great news! Yes I'm on the gold coast now and loving it.
Fishing with a hook is debatable depending on your views but fish really are at the bottom of the food chain and are consumed by all sorts of animals so as long as the fish dies quickly i guess its ok. Although a hook would be painful!!
The fact you care enough to ask is great tho!

Sep said...

I am Sep OK!tnx! 6 more month to citizenship!!:D which part of Goldie you are? I mostly go Cooli! and Burleigh! I have better idea for fishing "using sleeping pills or painkillers! as bait :D! is it practical? is spraying anesthetic spray on bait!:) ok? do you know a good fishing spot in Goldie? coz I love fish!

samborn said...

Hi sep congrats on your residency in aus! thats great news! Yes I'm on the gold coast now and loving it!!!!!

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